Sunday, August 18, 2019

Chapter 70: Eye of the Dragon, Part 2 (The Dragon Isles)

Release date: June 16th, 2014

Word count: (32,135 out of 69,887 words total)

Thoughts: We really didn't know much about Nadeshiko's arc. In the flashback we learn that she and Ryuuren are fighting against Ryouta but Reiji is on their side. I also remember that the five descendants couldn't be there at the last fight because Leon backed out. He was younger than everyone and was on his own. 

Sakura and Syaoran's reunion was so beautiful and heartfelt. It's so rare for them to be physically affectionate so when it does happen it's such a treat. 

It's crazy that Ryuuren and Leiyun were put in mortal peril to find the diamond while Syaoran just had to empty his bank account because it was something pretty that caught Sakura's attention. Even the Kaitou Magician had a better chance when he was robbing jewelry stores. It definitely is an item that can only be found if it wants to. 

The crystal breaking was anything but unceremonious whatever the White Dragon thinks.

When Tsubasa came out, Wish-chan was wary because she didn't want to be influenced by CLAMP's work. Eventually she felt comfortable enough with New Trials' trajectory to give it a chance. I never got in to it, but I'm sure there are plenty of Tsubasa Easter eggs.

Syaoran didn't mean to bring Sakura to the Cavern of Reservoir the same way that he didn't mean to bring his first dog (Eagle? Vega?) to his Chosen One quest. Let's be thankful that Sakura had a much better outcome than the poor pup. 

Sakura told Celes that it was thanks to Clow Reed that the reincarnation of Clow Reed didn't realize the clone. I wonder what Sakura did. I'm going to guess it's creating the Scent. 

I forgot that Clow had an aversion to Sakura's clone plan. Interestingly enough he wasn't more open to her until after she caught the Scent. He was the one who told her how to mimic the soul by using her eye. He said a living soul thought for itself while an empty one was a puppet. With the clone actively sacrificing herself Sakura created the former and was lucky that it didn't go rogue... 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Chapter 70: Eye of the Dragon, Part 1 (A Midnight Toll)

Release date: April 21st, 2014

Word count: (37,752 out of 69,887 words total)

Thoughts: I debated whether to make one entry for Chapter 70 or split it in two. I read Wish-chan's blog post about this chapter's release and she was the one who posted the two halves on different dates in the first place. So I'll respect the FF design, which also allows me to spotlight two fanarts instead of one. 

Part 1 is called "A Midnight Toll". I don't remember much about this chapter other than the Alliance being in shock that Sakura died, us learning the truth and Syaoran's test to become Great Elder (gosh, there's something so hilarious about a 17-year-old Great Elder).

Eron was ready to do anything to bring Sakura back. He literally said, "Whatever it takes". Avengers fans may remember that was the slogan for Endgame! And it was also the catchphrase of Degrassi, a beloved Canadian teen soaps that was around since the 80s to 2016. 

It's quite convenient that Fujitaka was out of town during all of this. And that it happened in the middle of spring break so the classmates are none the wiser either. While it's easy to whisk Fujitaka away, it must have taken so much planning on Wish-chan's part to not only bring them to this point of time physically but mentally as well. 

There was a random new report about how cherry blossom season was late. I probably didn't think much about it at the time, but I love the reason why Wish-chan delayed it in this chapter other than the fact that the Insect was being a major pest. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Chapter 69: The Betrayal

Chapter 69: The Betrayal

Release date: August 3rd, 2013

Word count: 44,945 words

Click for summary

Thoughts: After the Arc 3 finale where Syaoran abandoned Sakura at the harbour in Hong Kong, no one could have predicted that they would be returning to the same place one year later!

Syaoran appearing from the fog in this chapter after he disappeared in the fog in Yesterday's Letter was a wonderful parallel. 

We have our last update from Arima and Asuma. Arima said that she wanted to take a break from acting and learn English to enter Hollywood. I wondered how she would pay the bills until I remembered that she also modelled!

Yue's conversation with Sakura about the reincarnation of Clow's soul was fascinating. Fellow NT fan Melanie once read my husband Aleks' palm and described his past life. When Aleks told his father, my father-in-law said that he was describing his father's life (my father-in-law's dad). Aleks' grandfather died before he was born so I can totally believe in reincarnation. If you ever want your palm read or Tarot Cards read, contact Melanie via the FB group! We've used her three times and she's always right on the nose.

It's so ironic that both Kai and Sakura are distrustful of the Li Clan but their one true love happens to be Meilin and Syaoran.

Erika learns that Jinyu is an orphan and this is the first time she felt any connection with him. I'm really rooting for these two!

The Meilin and Kai scenes when they're not at each other's throats and are just sharing a tender moment are so good! They're such an perfect fit for each other.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Chapter 68: Regeneration

Chapter 68: Regeneration

Release date: April 1st, 2012

Word count: 44,301 words

Click for summary

Thoughts: Wish-chan dedicated this chapter to me in honour of me returning as a prodigal fan. I came back to the fandom following my whirl-wind romance where I met the man of my dreams, got engaged and then married in the span of a year and a half! 

This chapter marks the one year anniversary of Subaru's death. So much time has past since the end of Arc 3, but I can't help but mourn this fictional character every time I read about it. 

I forgot how many proposals there were in Arc 4. Eron to Sakura in Chapter 66, Arima to Asuma in Chapter 67 and now Kai to Meilin in Chapter 68!

I really like how Sakura's modelling job is foreshadowed with Syaoran knowing for a fact that her waitress salary wasn't enough to cover Touya's motorcycle repairs.

Syaoran is finding himself without magic the same way that Asuma is finding himself without defining himself as a jockey. I'm surprised that I never made this connection before!

It makes me a bit sad that Tomoyo's grandest day is when Sakura will get married. It makes my heart pang that she isn't thinking of her own happiness, but this is so in character for her to say.

Reading through the wedding prep is so much fun because it's nice to see each character bring their skill set to the table and it gives me a nice break from summarizing that part of the chapter!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Chapter 67: The Sacrifice, Part 3 and Part 4

Release date: January 25th, 2011

Word count: 37,431 words (out of 78,648 words total)

Click for summary

Thoughts: I loved Aki's outsider's perspective of the Sakura/Eron/Syaoran drama. 

I don't remember why Arima is being so aloof in the relationship. It's as if she doesn't want her and Asuma to hold each other back or something.

For those of you who also forgot, Arima was being blackmailed by the yakuza! I have no recollection of this at all.

I love how Kai has a sleek back touch phone. Technology has really advanced since the Arc 1 flip handphones which was cutting edge in the late nineties. 

Even though Sakura doesn't rely on all her Cards when capturing dark forces, I still miss having them around. I can't believe that both Wish-chan and CLAMP came up with the Syaoran-steals-Sakura's Cards plotline.

While the Alliance vs Yakuza blue and black outfits might be too hard to draw, Tomoyo's black and red racecourse outfits for the Alliance might be doable. I'll add it to the list right after the snapshot of Touya and Syaoran high-fiving during a soccer game from Chapter 65.

Three days after Asuma's accident, S&S goes to visit and finds Arima in the same dress that she wore to the race. It's really touching to know that she literally did not leave his side.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Chapter 67.5: Valentine's Day Special - The Ring

Release date: July 7th, 2011

Word count: 15,471 words

Click for summary

Thoughts: Even though I couldn't catch up to this chapter by Valentine's Day, I'm glad that I get to post this on White Day.

I don't remember what the titular ring represented and if I had to guess it would be the star sapphire ring.

I love how the Five Force Ring has such a rich history of owners. Originally belonging to Landon Reed, he gave it to Shulin as an engagement ring. It stayed with the Li Clan until Ryuuren gave it to Nadeshiko, an Amamiya. After she gave it back to Ryuuren, he gave it to Keisuke who would marry Miara, a Mizuki. It would be stolen by Kai and given to Sakura and Syaoran until he took it back for his personal needs. If Kai gave it back to Shing/his father, Keisuke would just give it to Syaoran. So ultimately it was Syaoran who told Kai that the ring needed to be with Sakura. Everyone had it except for the Changs!

If Sakura and Syaoran end up eloping, Chef Nobuhiro gets all the credit for calling it.

Eron gets to compliment Sakura's uniform while Syaoran remains tongue-tied. Nice call back to CCS when Eriol complimented Sakura on her maid café uniform and all little Syaoran could do was turn beet red!

There is a sweet fanart of Tomoyo singing at the restaurant with Eriol playing piano that exists.

Kai was so pleased with the chocolates that Miho gave him, he insisted on fossilizing them and keeping them forever. In CCS:CC, Akiho had a similar reaction after Sakura gave her cookies or something.

Tomoyo got Kero-chan to film and send her S&S's chocolates exchange. How very CCS:CC of her! 

So yes, Wish-chan does confirm that The Ring in question is the sapphire star ring. Oh my gosh, I just realized that Syaoran gave Sakura the ring that Li men gave as an engagement ring. They're practically engaged!!!

Fanart spotlight: I actually drew a fanart of the chef since I was so charmed by his story but it's nothing to write home to. So here are S&S's La Seine's waiter outfits, Valentine's Day edition by Wish-chan. It was featured in the music video that Wish-chan created to accompany Hazuki's song, Syaoran the Waiter Boy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Chapter 67: The Sacrifice, Part 1 and Part 2

Release date: January 25th, 2011

Word count: 41,217 words (out of 78,648 words total)

Click for summary

Thoughts: While this is not the first time I'm treating a chapter that has a special embedded into it, it is the first time that I'm neatly dividing a chapter in half since Wish-chan does make it clear that Ch 67.5: The Ring takes place halfway through. So both blog posts and my summaries will reflect that.

Um… how did Risa lose her sight? This was actually a thing in G5 history? Apparently Risa sacrificed her sight to save Hayashi from a dark force.

Should I feel guilty about not remembering the conditions that Touya set in order for Syaoran to live at the Kinomotos? Does it have to do with Syaoran not being allowed to tell Sakura the truth about the magic transfer?

Kai, Miho and Keisuke got on for so long outside of the family unit that it only makes sense that reuniting doesn't mean happily ever after. 

I loved the scene when Sakura and Syaoran had lunch together! Sakura commenting on how school used to be a oasis that got turned into a battlefield was interesting because Syaoran said that for him school was the actual minefield and he préfère the actual battle ground. As someone who was an easy target for getting teased miserably, I have to agree with Syaoran.

Kai's Kaitou Magician room with all of his props and capes and accessories sounds like a fun place to visit. But his secret hideaway alcove must be even cooler.

I love how Wish-chan does such a good job at describing the meals at La Seine. Just imagining them makes my mouth water.

Sakura and Syaoran have pink and green teddy bear charms on their new phones. If I ever see something like that selling I'd be sure to snatch it up! And Tomoyo instructing Syaoran to take mundane footage of Sakura is so CC:CCS!Tomoyo.

The scene between Kai and the Orange Tiger is absolutely hilarious. The way that he addresses Kai as his elder even though he's not just because Kai exaggerated about his age in the past is great.

I don't think I remember the gang's drinks order at La Seine being so contrary with items such as melon cream soda without the melon and a triple decaf espresso. 

We have another mention of the green ribbon that Syaoran pocketed years ago in chapter two! 

Lol, Eron has quite a nose with all of that sniffing talk when he explained to Sakura that she couldn't feel the diamond's power because it was an extension of her similar to people are used to the way they smell. I checked to see if this chapter came before or after Kirei-chan's delightful Sniffing Chronicles and it turns out that Wish-chan started the trend! 

One of the perks of doing a re-read so close to the finale is that I know the identity of the third voice that pipes up every now and again at the Chang residence!

Fanart spotlight: It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? Bubulona's 'I know you love me too' captures the triggering moment that unleashed the reason behind Risa's suicide and the downfall of the Great Five. I really loved the way she captured this stolen moment between these two even though the events that follow this scene are heartbreaking. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Chapter 66: The Truth in the Heart

Release date: August 13th, 2010 

Word count: 71,312 words 

Click for summary 

Thoughts: This is the longest chapter to date. I had to decide whether to continue reading while my real time corresponds with New Trials time so I can read Ch 67.5 around Valentine's Day but I decided to take it easy since currently the story goes as far as Chapter 73.5 and I don't want to keep myself on a time table when writing the new summaries. Remember back when Arc 4 started I was able to update my blog once a week? Now that I'm back on summary writing duty, I should consider posting once a month as a win.

As we're getting closer to the end, I'm having a better time remembering. But when I read that all three teens were kneeling in front of Touya after being discovered in Sakura's room, it was like discovering that detail for the first time.

I love how the Arc 1 photo of Sakura being caught looking at Syaoran keeps coming back into play. 

While I do remember Tomoyo and Eriol making a bet now that I'm reading it over, I honestly don't even know who wins.

The idea of Jinyu as a Seijou student is hilarious. I'm glad that Wish-chan pointed out that he was younger than Kara because he gives off older age vibes. I'm really glad that we finally get a glimpse of thing's from his point of view when he reacts to Erica thinking that he was in his late twenties and Kara thinking he was Leiyun's uncle.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Chapter 65: Cohabitation Part Deux

Release date: April 1st, 2010

Word count: 43,677 words

Click for summary

Thoughts: I remember being so excited with the premise of S&S living together once more despite the fact that Syaoran isn't particularly Sakura's favourite person. 

When it comes to character growth in New Trials let's give a hand to Touya. Last year after the power transfer he told Syaoran that there was no more use for him and he had to leave Japan. Now he's inviting the guy to live under his roof!

Archeology talk with Fujitaka and Syaoran is so much fun since I actually did get to go to Xian and see the Terracotta Warriors myself during my honeymoon in August 2010. It was one of my favourite sites during my trip. 

This chapter marks the first time Syaoran shuts down Sakura's chatter about Eron-kun. It sure wouldn't be the last!!!

Everything that happens before Syaoran runs off is comedy gold. I love the image of Touya, Yukito, Syaoran and Kero-chan playing mahjong together. And I'm so happy that I cajoled Diana into sketching a sexy fresh-from-the-shower Syaoran for the "Mist" prompt of the 100 Themes project.

Honey milk was such a huge CCS trope back in the day. I can't believe Wish-chan waited this long to use it since that canon CLAMP side story.

"Not only that, onii-chan and Syaoran high-fived after the goal, which I thought was a lie, but here is an evidential photo taken by Yukito-san." ~ I want to draw that fanart.

There's a bunny hoodie selling on Amazon that's the perfect replica of the bunny hoodies that Tomoyo made for S&S. I'm tempted to buy it but I could never wear it in public without drawing attention. I might end up getting it just to wear at home, though.