Word count: (37,752 out of 69,887 words total)
Thoughts: I debated whether to make one entry for Chapter 70 or split it in two. I read Wish-chan's blog post about this chapter's release and she was the one who posted the two halves on different dates in the first place. So I'll respect the FF design, which also allows me to spotlight two fanarts instead of one.
Part 1 is called "A Midnight Toll". I don't remember much about this chapter other than the Alliance being in shock that Sakura died, us learning the truth and Syaoran's test to become Great Elder (gosh, there's something so hilarious about a 17-year-old Great Elder).
Eron was ready to do anything to bring Sakura back. He literally said, "Whatever it takes". Avengers fans may remember that was the slogan for Endgame! And it was also the catchphrase of Degrassi, a beloved Canadian teen soaps that was around since the 80s to 2016.
It's quite convenient that Fujitaka was out of town during all of this. And that it happened in the middle of spring break so the classmates are none the wiser either. While it's easy to whisk Fujitaka away, it must have taken so much planning on Wish-chan's part to not only bring them to this point of time physically but mentally as well.
There was a random new report about how cherry blossom season was late. I probably didn't think much about it at the time, but I love the reason why Wish-chan delayed it in this chapter other than the fact that the Insect was being a major pest.