Saturday, August 25, 2018

Chapter 51: The Third Wish

Release date: August 27th, 2007

Word count: 28,931

Click for summary

Thoughts: It's been one year since I've been running this blog and re-reading New Trials! Though it would have been nice to be finished with Arc 3 for the occasion, one cannot rush through these chapters. 

Between Ch 50 and Ch 51 there are two interludes that are only on They were originally empty spaces because uploading Wish-chan's chapters was giving me a hard time and she ended up making good use of the real estate. Ch 50.5 is Miho's interlude and if there's one thing to take away in this intro-to-Hayashi-Shulin-Landon interlude is Eriol's comment on how Sakura succeeds at the new trials because she has a circle and doesn't take all the burden on herself. Ch 50.75 is Tomoyo's Interlude before the Arc 3 finale. What's fun about this segment is Wish-chan teasing out Dark!Tomoyo through schemes, which we end up seeing in CCS:CC. But it's a bit confusing for first time readers because it should be Ch 52.5 since it talks about Syaoran's upheaval to Hong Kong. I took the liberty to place it before Ch 53 and confused some fans about the mysterious update.

Real talk~ because this is one of the few chapters where I originally thought there was no fanart, and because the really big events happen in the next two chapters, I remember so little of it! The title reminds me of Sakura's role as Subaru's fairy godmother but that's it.

There is a two year upload gap between Ch 50 and Ch 51 making it the longest break between two consecutive chapters and that explains the heavy recapitulation at the head of this chapter.

I loved how Wish-chan conveniently inserted an explanation of the plague in a nutshell via history class.

Eron telling Sakura to either choose him or he'll do something stupid has all the markings of a toxic relationship. No one should ever be put in that position. It was great to see Sakura stand up for herself.

To anyone wondering why S&S aren't together: "Truthfully, I see no future for us, as long as the Dark Ones continue looming in the shadows,” ~ Sakura to Tomoyo about Syaoran. Sigh. I've actually seen this happen in shows and movies. When heroes allow themselves to pursue a relationship, it's even harder for them to forgive themselves when they aren't able to save their world from peril. Ultimately, Tomoyo's thought about how there could be no future until they fix the present sums it up the best.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Chapter 50: A Winter's Conundrum


Release date: September 6th, 2005

Word count: 64,027 

Thoughts: Kirei-chan told me that this was the longest chapter so far. Instead of regretting that I never included word counts in these summaries, I'll mark this summary as the first time I'm starting this trend and I've back-tracked to include the other word counts. Thank you for the stats, FF! 

This is the chapter where the long awaited Emotions are released. Things are definitely going to get harder for Sakura and friends.

I really like the way that ski trips, camping trips and shrine events are both part of the CCS-verse and NT-verse. It makes NT feel like like a real continuation because there are always references to the canon material. I wonder where exactly in Japan they traveled to for skiing. 

There's nothing like bringing up Truth or Dare to remind Sakura of split personality Syaoran. And they've been doing so well lately too.

I love how Wish-chan was able to weave in the myth of Yuki Onna into NT.

If I was a Seiju Middle School student, I would not have enjoyed participating in the Winter Competitions. We had Field Days in elementary school and those were the worst. At least the activities are not all sporty as they include storytelling and sculpture building.

I was always disappointed that Sakura wasn't on Syaoran's team but it actually makes things more interesting and it's the only way for the reader to support both teams instead of hoping for just one to win. The Red Team are the definite underdogs but I'm happy to say I have no recollection about who wins! It's also fun to visit pouting Syaoran when he sees Sakura with either Eron or Eriol.

When Wish-chan created Yutaka Ichiro, I thought this was her painless way of splitting apart Rika and Terada-sensei. I was surprised with the outcome!

I wish instead of Sakura being so open with Eron about how she knew she loved Syaoran she would just tell Syaoran that she loved him!!! Their whole conversation was a blur for me. Is this the first time he talked about breaking away from his ancestors?