Monday, May 13, 2019

Chapter 68: Regeneration

Chapter 68: Regeneration

Release date: April 1st, 2012

Word count: 44,301 words

Click for summary

Thoughts: Wish-chan dedicated this chapter to me in honour of me returning as a prodigal fan. I came back to the fandom following my whirl-wind romance where I met the man of my dreams, got engaged and then married in the span of a year and a half! 

This chapter marks the one year anniversary of Subaru's death. So much time has past since the end of Arc 3, but I can't help but mourn this fictional character every time I read about it. 

I forgot how many proposals there were in Arc 4. Eron to Sakura in Chapter 66, Arima to Asuma in Chapter 67 and now Kai to Meilin in Chapter 68!

I really like how Sakura's modelling job is foreshadowed with Syaoran knowing for a fact that her waitress salary wasn't enough to cover Touya's motorcycle repairs.

Syaoran is finding himself without magic the same way that Asuma is finding himself without defining himself as a jockey. I'm surprised that I never made this connection before!

It makes me a bit sad that Tomoyo's grandest day is when Sakura will get married. It makes my heart pang that she isn't thinking of her own happiness, but this is so in character for her to say.

Reading through the wedding prep is so much fun because it's nice to see each character bring their skill set to the table and it gives me a nice break from summarizing that part of the chapter!