Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Chapter 20: Picture the Past

Release date: Winter 2001

Word count: 12,993

Thoughts: I read this chapter at the heels of finishing Chapter 73, Part 2 where the NYC modeling experience was mentioned as something that happened three years ago. It's a lot of fun to go back and read it all over again.

As stupid as Eriol's prank was, I'm immensely pleased that it ended with him giving Syaoran wings to match Sakura's own wings courtesy of The Fly card. 

The snowball scene was so fluffy. It seems like a scene straight from an anime.  

I'm glad that the fact that Syaoran didn't meet up with the people his mother wanted him to see was addressed because it could have been a loose thread. How convenient that his modeling contract covered the credit card bill. 

I forgot why Miho was so nasty to Sakura in Arc I. But now I understand that she had been extremely jealous oh her this whole time. This is where we learn about Miho's tragic back story.  

Shing thinking back to Mizuki Miara in a lovey-dovey way is everything when we take in consideration of what we know now. 

On the park bench, Syaoran says, “The deal is I li—“ before Sakura interupts him. These two are hopeless when it comes to confessions. 

First mention of The Plague! When Wish-chan wrapped up Arc 3 she said she had many plot points planned out since the beginning. I read many different fan opinions of what Nadeshiko died from. But no one can match Wish-chan's interpretation. 

Sakura forgetting Kero-chan in New York is a hilarious way to end the arc.

Fanart spotlight: Professional artist scribbletalk went above and beyond when she created her Angel Wings masterpiece. It's everything that we pictured the scene to be. As far as Arc 1 fanarts go, this one is definitely my favourite. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Chapter 19: Dazzling Countdown

Release date: January 2001

Word count: 8250

Thoughts: I love fortune telling scenes with the Sakura Cards because Wish-chan is so skillful at foreshadowing. It's been ages since I read the chapter so I only remember how some of the Cards are connected when Sakura pulled out The Shadow, The Haunt, The Mirror, The Illusion and The Erase. 

Eriol reminds Sakura that she doesn't have to bear the Card Mistress on her own when she doesn't tell him about the stalker. Unfortunately this is not advice that she takes when she faces The Plague in Arc 3. 

Eriol gets on Syaoran's case about being distant with Sakura and warns him that, "Someday, she’s going to be so apart from you, you wouldn’t be able to reach her." I wonder if I clocked in on all of the Arc 3 finale foreshadowing the last time I reread the chapter. 

I completely forgot that there was a mini Battle of the Sun and Moon before Sakura shut it down. 

We learn that Mike is 22 so that means there is an eight year age difference between him and Erika, making it the largest age gap (besides Rika and Tereda who I guess are at least 10 years apart) in NT.

Now that I remember that The Invisible was a loose card, The Erase and The Illusion makes sense. The Shadow and The Haunt is a good representation of The Stalker. But what does The Mirror mean? 

I honestly would not have remembered the S&S back hug happened if it wasn't for animefreak999's fanart. What a powerful moment. 

I can never get over how beautifully written the battle scenes are. And they only get better and better!

I don't remember when it was revealed, but Kai was with Miho and company in Times Square as they waited for the new year.

Fanart spotlight: The way that Wish-chan described the cherry blossom firework was so pretty that I'm delighted that Asumei chose to illustrate that scene in her fanart, New Year's in NYC. Sakura's dress is also spot on and she and Syaoran look so adorable together. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Chapter 18: Stalked in New York

Release date: December 2000

Word count: 5867

Thoughts: When S&S are denied entry to Shing's home, it's a bit unsettling of how they had no qualms at all about breaking and entering. 

It's heartbreaking to see Shing learn that Ryuuren and Nadeshiko were both dead and never ended up together. 

Shing's star sapphire ring is stolen. First sign of our favourite thief of the night!

Being ganged up by thugs is horrifying. Sakura and company should have known better! Still, it was very cool to see Sakura's matial arts lesson pay off!

Syaoran and Sakura both sneaking out at the same time in the middle of the night with the same all black outfit is too adorable. 

Wish-chan really tapped into her dark side when coming up with the items that were in the buried box. Hangman's noose? Old blood? Yikes!

Fanart spotlight: Once again, there is no specific fanart for this chapter. However, back in 2004 the always delightful Selenity Shiroi shared this drawing of a wintery Tomoyo and in this chapter the girls do go out shopping so it works. There's also a robin, which is only native to North America so there's an added bonus. This won't be the last time that I'll feature Selenity-chan. She made many contributions to the fandom and her art always gets better and better.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Chapter 17: A Small World, After All

Release date:  Late Fall 2000

Word count: 7055

Thoughts: We get a reminder that Yue still hasn't woken up. I never remembered when it finally did happen!

When Wish-chan had the film executive ask Tomoyo how a young girl could develop such a complex plot, I quickly find myself asking Wish-chan the same question about NT!

Mike Kant makes his first cameo and Sakura's modelling hobby begins! I love how we get to see him again post-New York.

Eriol is back and Yue has reawakened, which explains the dash of foreshadowing in the beginning.

I always thought the Mike Kant Angels in NYC photoshoot was S&S's first time being in print. I did not remember the newspaper headline about the two spies at the airport at all!

Fanart spotlight: Wish-chan describes Shing's paintings with such detail during the trip to the exhibit that visualizing then is easy. Lucky for us, she even drew a fanart of one of them!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Chapter 16: Running out of Time

Release date:  Late Fall 2000

Word count: 9680

Thoughts: So Tomoyo gave all of her friends brand new outfits that she designed to all her friends for the airport. The possibilities are endless for rich characters. 

Ah, so Syaoran busted the credit limit on his mother's card to pay for the necklace. Someone of Yelan's stature would have a higher limit than that but at least is explains how Syaoran purchased the necklace.

Letting a couple 14-year-olds take care of a bomb threat sounds incredibly stressful.  

The occasional commentary of the mother and daughter who interpreted S&S as actors in an action movie was cute.

Syaoran knocking out the guards and then threatening the life of another guard was chilling. How did he pass security with that knife?

This was the first time Wish-chan wrote an intense against the clock chapter and she did a great job. Even though I knew the outcome, I was very much hooked.

When Miho is introduced, she's such a brat. It's incredible how much she develops as a character through out the series.

Fanart spotlight: This is a fanart that I drew with MS Paint specifiy for the Out of Time prompt in the NT 100 Themes Challenge. I loved the way that it turned out even if I did cheat by significantly reducing the number of wires!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Chapter 15: Hang a Shining Star

Release date:  Late Fall 2000

Word count: 6893

Thoughts: I don't remember Syaoran going all out with Christmas decorations as a kind gesture towards Meilin at all!

Nadeshiko gives Ryuuren a handmade scarf during their first Christmas. In her author's note, Wish-chan explains that her original draft had Sakura give Syoaran a scarf but the anime beat her to it.

First reference of the Reed Star Sapphire ring! It's kind of odd that Ryuuren didn't hesitate for a second when it came to giving away a family heirloom. 

Ugh, this chapter recaps why Syaoran is the master of mixed messages. No wonder it takes Sakura forever to realize her feelings.

Syoaran delivering Sakura her gift via floating balloon is such a special scene. The way he scampers off on his bike is so him. Having a tiny bit of experience selling diamond jewelry myself, there's no way that a kid could afford that necklace. Does anyone else remember that he casted a protection spell on it?

Fujitaka's story about the man and the angel is so bittersweet. I wonder how many tales Wish-chan would have released if it wasn't for her dedication to New Trials.

Erika glomping on to Touya is the first time she flat out says that she's more interested in older guys. Foreshadowing of her relationship with Mike, maybe?

I was so inspired by the wolf embroidery that I recreated it with MS Paint!  

Fanart spotlight: Many years ago Wish-chan reserved the Frost prompt in the 100 Themes Challenge that I launched in 2012. We were chatting and it turns out that her submission was still in the works and 96% finished. Many of you will remember these images from her omake

Friday, November 10, 2017

Chapter 14: The Winter Wonderland

Release date: Summer or Fall 2000

Word count: 6570

Thoughts: The brief moment where Sakura and Erika bonded over annoying brothers was sweet.

Even though she split them apart, Wish-chan is such an S&S shipper. When Sakura gets smashed with the soccer ball, of course Syaoran will be the first at her side and then secretly heal her bruisings. 

Erika calls Eron out by saying he would use concealer and foundation before he'd let anyone see his flaws. Wish-chan did mention that Eron was metrosexual.

Not a fan of Syaoran and Erika's ongoing phone conversations. At least he shuts down the notion that he's her boyfriend. 

The "If you have a good idea of how to beat this thing, I’ll get you anything you want” bet is so sweet.

How Wish-chan managed to calculate the fact of throwing a combo of Windy and Maze at the nucleus would capture The Twister is beyond me. 

First mention of Aki-kun! He went from condescending joke to tertiary character with multiple appearances and a back story.

Fanart spotlight: This fanart wasn't drawn specifically for Chapter 14, but when Shiyae-chan said that it was inspired by Arc 1, I thought it would be fitting to represent the fight against The Twister. I love the way Sakura's hair is twirling! 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Chapter 13: The Twisted Winter Concert

Release date: Summer 2000

Word count: 6584

Thoughts: It's only the beginning of November for me, yet I can't help but feel jealous of NT!Sakura for finishing her Christmas shopping.

I'm glad that we're at the point where Meilin realizes that she no longer had feelings for Syoaran. Just because it was the second time doesn't make it easier. 
Eron and Erika talk about the day when they would finally come into their full power. Has this actually happened? 

Both Sakura and Syoaran independently use wind to combat the The Twister and they both fail miserably. I like the way their thoughts aligned. 

Sakura used The Stone to hold The Twister in place. I think this is the first time she used one of the newer cards.

Chapter 13 marks the debut of Wish-chan's own website with Geocities (shout out to the 2000s kids!). For a recount on her history with NT's various homes, Wish-chan wrote a blog post

Fanart spotlight: The only thing that jumped out at me and didn't seem too impossible to draw was Eron's chemistry experiment. It's a rather odd plot device to make Syaoran violin one. I don't think we see Eron working on experiments again.