Monday, November 6, 2017

Chapter 13: The Twisted Winter Concert

Release date: Summer 2000

Word count: 6584

Thoughts: It's only the beginning of November for me, yet I can't help but feel jealous of NT!Sakura for finishing her Christmas shopping.

I'm glad that we're at the point where Meilin realizes that she no longer had feelings for Syoaran. Just because it was the second time doesn't make it easier. 
Eron and Erika talk about the day when they would finally come into their full power. Has this actually happened? 

Both Sakura and Syoaran independently use wind to combat the The Twister and they both fail miserably. I like the way their thoughts aligned. 

Sakura used The Stone to hold The Twister in place. I think this is the first time she used one of the newer cards.

Chapter 13 marks the debut of Wish-chan's own website with Geocities (shout out to the 2000s kids!). For a recount on her history with NT's various homes, Wish-chan wrote a blog post

Fanart spotlight: The only thing that jumped out at me and didn't seem too impossible to draw was Eron's chemistry experiment. It's a rather odd plot device to make Syaoran violin one. I don't think we see Eron working on experiments again. 


  1. When I was reading the chapter I also wondered why the twins keep saying they haven't reached their full powers. I'm not sure if it has happened, although looking back from Arc 4 I think that Eron's powers are at his highest with him creating new magic and breaking free.
    My favorite line from the chapter has to be:
    For a moment, Sakura, Syaoran and Eron set aside all other feelings and gave thumbs up to each other.

    1. Glad to see that I wasn't the only one! But yes, that was incredible of Eron to be able to break free.

      I forgot about that line already! It's good to know that I'll always have things that seem new to me when I do my next re-read!
