Sunday, March 1, 2020

Chapter 2: A Chance / The Perfect Chance

Blast from the past: According to my fic, Tomoyo distrusts Eriol for *years* and only comes around because of one act of chivalry. Yup, that tracks with teenage me. When I was 13, I developed a huge high school crush that ended up turing into a friendship that went all the way to university on a boy because we were going through the same door and he held open behind him since he noticed that I was there.

The cuddling scene was a real pleasure of me to write that's mostly what naïve little me daydreamed about doing with whoever I would end up dating (the first guy I did that to compared me to a cat and I think my affection confused him).

At the end when E&T are together, Tomoyo made a comment about how now she would no longer be pitying herself for not having a boyfriend. Yikes! Needless to say that line got scrubbed out of version 2.0 and I'm glad that I'm at a place in my life where I understand that a woman does not need a man to thrive.

The New Trials connection: Wish-chan was reluctant at making an E&T pairing so I'm glad that the both of us didn't make the decision to couple them up automatically. Another connection I'd like to point out is that Nina and the Cuddle Card have similar descriptions with both of them being roughly the same age and having curly hair.

Reading the relaunch: KID-Z4P had Tomoyo give Eriol the nickname "Eri" and I found that absolutely adorable. I was a tad bit disappointed that the cuddling scene got cut considering that it was the point of the card.

Review spotlight: This review was posted by Mabel on November 28th, 2002 who happens to be one of my best friends for over twenty years. She was the runner-up for the last review spotlight because she said, "this is the kind of story that I'm always looking for but I can never find it". She was just as addicted to reading my story as I was writing it so it was really incredible to have live and immediate feedback.

Wow! That was a great chapter. I can't wait for the next one to be posted! Or maybe you can tell me at school. I think you are my favorite author now. I really like the story. Continue the good work. 

Your fan 


Art: Eyes may be the windows to the soul but the eyes that I drew for The Cuddle looks like actual windows. It's time to start checking out tutorials. I'm glad that wings came out better this time around and I'm not too mad that the hair kind of looks like macaroni.

Up next: Who is this friend of the past and what old feelings will stir with her presence? Find out in Chapter 3: Renewing Old Friendships!


  1. Your drawing of The Cuddle is cute! I'm digging the hat.

    It's really cool to read about your friend Mabel :) best friends really are the best.

    Btw, I so relate to your teenage self on the whole crush thing. I had so many secret crushes it's not even funny. And these would be over the smallest of things too (although the reasons why I would be over my crushes would also be because of small/stupid things).

    1. Oh man, I haven't thought about that high school crush in years! We went to each other's weddings and the last time I saw him was when his first kid was a toddler five years ago but we lost touch after his second kid was born, not that I blame him. That's what happens when you're an adult!

      I've been friends with Mabel and the other girls in my friend group for 23 years! We met in middle school and we've been super close ever since and even though we can't meet up in person we always have the group chat going which is really comforting during these isolating times.
