Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Chapter 49.5: Words We Couldn’t Say

Release date: January 26th, 2006

Word count: 26,300

Thoughts: There's a two year gap between this chapter's release date and the last one! 

This chapter is an absolute delight. Syaoran's job hunt is pure fluffy fun and it was hilarious seeing him run into people he knew at every turn.

Lol, I love the running gag of the restaurant manager always getting Syaoran's name wrong.

Even though he didn't have to, I appreciate the way Touya came to Syaoran's rescue when they had to deal with the difficult client.

I love how Syaoran's sword training overlaps onto his dexterity with kitchen knives and chopping food.

Oh, I remember that the Age was used on Kai, but I forgot that it was in this chapter. Getting a peak of Mikai was a lot of fun, especially when he loses his memory as Kai.

Sakura lets an "hanyaan" slip while Mikai was being charming. The fact that Kero-chan mentions that he hasn't heard her say that in a while falls in step with CC Sakura consciously doing the same thing.  

The Riddle's "On the night the lone wolf calls" poem is so gorgeous and I love how I'm able to understand the meaning of certain parts since this is a re-read. 

I've always loved the scene where Syaoran cooked dinner for Sakura in secret. That pink Sakura chiffon cake sounds divine. I can only think of a handful of restaurants where I had the same experience that La Seine offers. 

Now the chapter shifts to Miho and although this NT special is pretty light, we are privy to the fact that when she was young, she had suicidal thoughts. Eriol truly saved her.

Wish-chan says that this chapter is a better read after reading Ch 50, but I like an in-depth origin story behind Miho's poem, which is probably my favourite poem in New Trials. I wish I thought about incorporating it my wedding like how Melanie did!

When Wish-chan comes back to edit this chapter, the main thing to change is that it ends with Miho at the ski resort instead of it being closer to Christmas. Unless that slight flash forward was intentional? First time readers will be confused!

Hazuki Goldair covered Kristen Chenoweth's "Taylor the Latte Boy" and added her own NT twist with "Syaoran the Waiter Boy". Wish-chan was so enamoured with the song that she made an AMV to go with it. 

Fanart spotlight: I'm so happy that I did Fanart100 for NT over a decade ago because now I have drawings of such random things. Here's the dinner that Syaoran made for Sakura. In my early MS Paint days I could not draw people at all so this was more up my alley.

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