Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Chapter 61: Fantasia in Memoriam

Release date: April 3rd, 2009

Word count: 31,913

Click for summary

Thoughts: Spoiler alert: if this isn't my longest blog post, it's definitely the one that asks the most questions! 

The first person Syaoran meets is his father and I'm already so emotional.

Syaoran spent a seemingly long time with Ryuuren and his men. I'll be curious to see how much time has actually passed in the real world. How Narnia-esque!

The masquerade ball scene was lovely. It was great to see Sakura happy to see Syaoran again and it's inspired a fanart by Saloni.

Mika's line about how Subaru and the other children had no other place to go was so sad. So far I was able to place everyone but Elenor, though she must be from Clow's early life.

I love how Syaoran is being trained by Shulin like how Kai got to be trained by Mayura.

Hayami totally called Sakura out on being a coward and running away. From succumbing to the Memory and fleeing to the Fantasy, he isn't wrong… Who is he? I thought he was Mayura's little brother (it was actually Keigo) but maybe he's Hayashi's.

Syaoran rescuing Sakura was so gallant! I love these fairy tale moments that Wish-chan allows herself to write within the bounds of the Fantasy.

Aww, I didn't remember Syaoran pulling Sakura on top of him and holding her tight. That would have made a sweet fanart.

Ruichi calls his fellow G5 members, "a narcissist, a firecracker, a sadomasochist and an escapist". Would that be Landon, Shulin, Mayura and Hayashi? Ruichi calls himself a psychopath. 

Syaoran and Hayashi battling it out in a music showdown is hilarious as it is endearing. 

“The eyes of the dragon will once more wake
When moon returns to moon and star to star
And splintered eye once more whole shall make;
Hence distance from earth and heaven afar
Be bridged in the span of time’s lost domain
For two mingled bloods will never return twain.” 
~ Hayashi's message to S&S does a lot of foreshadowing about the Dragon Isles but I don't understand the last part of it.

Oh shoot, what is it with Syaoran only confessing his love for Sakura in the Fantasy? It's as if the words and sentiment are there but nothing counts. The scene that followed was rather intimate for New Trials and it was if I was reading it for the first time because I didn't remember any of it.

Wish-chan's theory about Clow creating the Return, the Time, the Illusion, the Create and the Mirror to bring Mika back was always fascinating to me. If she was only sixteen when she passed, how old did that make Edward? I wonder who were the Chang and Amamiya descendants and I wonder how Li and Reed were able to branch apart if Clow seemed to be the only product of the two. I really hope that Clow: The Early Years is still on the table because that's clearly the era we know the least about.

The pairings within the Great Five and their descendants are insane. G5 era: Amamiya x Li, Li x Reed, Amamiya x Chang and Mizuki x Chang. Clow era: Reed x Mizuki. Nadeshiko era: Amamiya x Li. Sakura's era: Amamiya x Li, Mizuki x Reed (Kai and Kara), Reed x Mizuki (Eriol and Kaho), Amamiya x Chang, Mizuki x Li. Then there's Tomoyo (Amamiya) with Reed and Li but nothing official has happened with either Eriol or Leiyun.

Remember that theory we had forever ago about how Mika's soul could have also reincarnated in two people so both Kaho and Tomoyo could have been her in a past life? I still stand by it.

I never did read Tsubasa, but I enjoy the brief nods from time to time. In the Fantasy, we meet Syaoran's clone who has two different coloured eyes and all. 

Sakura called upon the power of the stars in Fantasy. Have we ever talked about this? Or is this an error?

Reiji aska Sakura to tell his son and daughter that he loves them and misses them even though Sakura knows he's not Eron and Erika's father. Were the twins Reiji's children all along? Or maybe he's just alluding to how he was their surrogate father. 

I'm so happy that Syaoran shared a moment with Ryuuren after he realized that he was his father despite him being the Fantasy's version.

That was bittersweet of Sakura to give up her memories that she made in the Fantasy with Syaoran to give him his name back. It's such a Sakura thing to do but now that's two love confessions that we wiped away.

Re-reading the scene where Leiyun tortured Syaoran and tried to use the Memory made me see why I never forgot it. It was brutal. I understand what Wish-chan meant about that scene being included in such a fantastical chapter. 

Fanart spotlight: "Forever and a Day" is a real head scratcher of a prompt. That's why I was so excited to use Mesel's fanart of Nadeshiko and Ryuuren in the Fantasy to represent it as time was difficult to track. I love the vibrant colours that represent Memoria so well and she even added the three moons. Also, we can never have enough NadeRyuu fanart.


  1. I will definitely comment again when I catch up in my reread (like I should be doing now) but I couldn't help myself. I think I can help answer some of the questions regarding the Great Five. Chapter 61 is one of my favorites.

    Eleanor is actually Clow's grandmother; Landon's mother. We're not sure why she's portrayed a young girl but I know in some discussion there was debate about whether the Fantasy shows people when they were the happiest.

    We also don't know who Hayami is. A lot of people think it's Hayashi's brother. In the character list we only get this: "Amamiya Hayami: of the Amamiya Clan". However, in KMO Ch5 Mayura says: "Realizing that boy was stammering, Mayura replied, “No, not in that way. He [Hayashi] was a close family friend—he used to visit our shrine in Kyoto, and he and Hayami were like brothers to me."
    Again, we don't know if he died young or he just wanted to be portrayed as a child.

    "a narcissist, a firecracker, a sadomasochist and an escapist". You got it right (based on what we know of them). Reeds tend to be narcissistic, Lis have short tempers, Hayashi was described as someone who avoids/runs away from his problems, and I think Mayura is the sadomasochist because although she was a hard teacher and appeared emotionless, she does say she was the "nice" one of the bunch and it seemed like she was the type to take on a lot, and she passed away after Ruichi.

    I once posted a theory on what Edward's age would have been when Mika passed away. I can try to find it and share it with you if you want (I might add more info as I keep rereading. I might just end up making different documents with all the related theories and the evidence lol).

    The way the Li and Reed bloodlines branch out is because the Li clan has always been a magical family (with exceptions). Somewhere it's stated that you don't necessarily need to be a direct descendant. The Reed's magic comes from Eleanor and the line continued through Landon's older brother's descendants (Leon and Kara).

    1. Woohoo, I'm glad that I can count on you to answer my G5 questions! I tend to ask so many questions in these blog posts and I'm so glad when there's proof that I'm not just talking to a void.

      Ha, I completely forget that Eleanor was Clow's grandmother. I don't think I'm going to re-read Legacy until after I finish my re-read. The first chapter is actually in the FF New Trials fic but I don't have the heart to delete it just yet because Wish-chan is so close to reaching that long awaited 2 million words mark.

      Thanks for the Hayami details!

      If you ever find that post about Edward's speculated age, I'd love to read it. This was the time period that I missed out on the discussion. I would only be back in the loop as of Chapter 68.

      Thanks for showing me how the Li line and Reed line is different. Now it makes sense.

    2. Hi :) where should I send you the info from the post? I added some things (it's still very rough though).

    3. Hi Diana! You can always post it in the Facebook group since it's NT related!
